Grow Your Business

Recruitment Services that Scale Your Business

Grow your business

Start with the right people

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HR Consultancy
The right people can make all the difference to the success of a business. Hiring the right people who are highly motivated and skilled will have a major impact on your productivity and ability to scale. But finding these people and knowing whether they are the right fit for your company can always be a challenge.
If helping your people to continuously improve is not a big enough challenge, there’s the compliance and legal requirements of HR, with their increasing complexity. 
Hiring the wrong peoplewill cause delays and distractions – adding costs. A bad fit can also have a negative impact on the rest of your team and be a bottleneck to growth. That’s where our expertise comes in to help you to find the right people for the right roles and for your company.

Want to talk about our Recruitment Service? Get in touch.

Grow Your Business

Hiring that reduces your risk

Many recruiters just concentrate on skills, which is wrong.

Our belief is that you should “hire for aptitude and train for skills.” Although some roles require technical expertise, someone’s attitude, energy level, creativity and flexibility are all critical for any growing business. You need individuals and teams who demonstrate the values that are fundamental to your business’ success.

Not just that, but for teams to be effective, different members will need to have different strengths. No one can be good at everything, soone of the key steps to building a team is recognising what your biggest gaps are in what you’re trying to accomplish.

Only by understanding what behaviours you’re looking for in your new hires, will you be able to truly hire accurately.

Our Recruitment Services

Job Specifications

We’ll start by defining not only the skills you need but the behaviours that will ensure the right cultural and team fit, so reducing your risk of the wrong hire. We’ll help you make your recruitment part of a long-term workforce development plan – and not just reactive to replace existing employees.

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Attract the right person into the right role for a fraction of the usual cost with compelling job advertsand digital tools to tap into diverse candidate pools.

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We’ll design and assist with the selection process – whether that’sinterviews, assessment centres or behavioural psychometric testing – so that there’s a robust and objective process to selecting the right person.

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Scale Effectively

Recruitment Done Right

One thing that is unanimously agreed about in using a recruiter is that it is incredibly expensive. Here’s the bottom line: If you engage a recruiter to source an employee who will cost you an annual salary of £50k then in all likelihood you will end up paying said recruiter anywhere between £5k and £15k, depending on what agency you engage. That’s a hell of a lot of money for some introductions.

That’s why many people are circumvent the cost associated with the traditional agency these days by using Job Boards.

Either way, what you will get is CVs. It’s what you do before and after that counts. In specifying and defining the characteristics you’re after, you’re able to write more exact Job Description and Job Ads to attract more of the right candidates. In having a robust selection process based on the criteria you’re after in your hire, you’re able to make a better, more accurate decision in hiring the right person.

Our recruitment, as an integral part of our HR Consultancy, means that we better understand the right hire for your business – and so save you the time, hassle, and cost of doing it yourself – and of getting it wrong.


Driving Success for your Business

Our Recruitment Services

Job Specifications

Have you defined the role you’re recruiting for? If you haven’t the rest of the process will be pretty difficult

We advocate talent mapping that’s a bit more sophisticated than just specifying the next job you’re looking to fill – or the next employee you’re looking to replace. Talent Mapping should be about a long-term workforce development plan. A workforce development plan is about making the links between the business strategy and your people strategy. It’s about understanding your busines growth trajectory, anticipating what people you need, when, then ensuring that you have the right number of people with the right skills and right behaviours – and you have them in the right places at the right time.
Because we work with you as your HR Consultants, and link our business strategy to your people strategy, we’re able to ensure that you have a workforce development plan that’ll ensure that you’re not left short on the required talent you need to meet your expanding order book. We’ll then help you specify those roles – with what skills are required for them to fulfil the role – and also what behaviours are required to make them the right fit.


We’re not a recruitment agency. And neither are our recruitment partners, Recruit123. We use Recruit123 to combine the best of the rest to provide a service that’s unique: the expertise of an agency recruiter and the tech-savvy marketing know-how of on-line Job Boards.

At the heart of our recruitment process, with Recruit123, is writing an effective Job Ad, based on your job specification. The truth of the matter is – if you don’t get the advert-writing bit spot-on, you’re pretty much stumped for the rest of the process. It doesn’t matter where or how you advertise, without the right description you simply won’t get the candidates you hoped for – let alone prime candidates to interview and choose from.

We work with Recruit123 to write professional copy to attract the right people for your role – and to optimise it with SEO wizardry to make sure it appears high up in the list of the right searches for you.


The methods for selecting the right employees are many and varied. They include preliminary screening, phone interviews, face-to-face interviews, assessment centres, a test assignment, psychometric testing, and, even, a trial day

What matters is that you’re objective in your selection process. So, we use the job specification we’ve worked up with you to establish the right selection criteria – and then the right method(s) to assess those criteria.

To add to the objectivity (because people do embellish the truth at interviews) we’ll add in some form of psychometric testing, also known as personality profiling. We use them to understand people’s behaviours, to assess whether they’re a right for the role, for the team and for your company with its own unique culture.

What’s more, we know that no-one’s going to be perfect from day one, so our assessment will identify any gaps with any new hire – and the training and development they’ll need to pick up the pace quickly and hit the ground running.

Drive Measurable Business Growth

Ready to Take Your Company to the Next Level?

If you are ready to boost your company performance and get Human Resource consulting advice that’ll get you in front of competitors, then let’s chat.

We offer a free 60-minute consultation call – a mini audit. We’ll start to review your current HR practices and procedures. We’ll identify those that need real attention to comply with the latest legislation, through to others that could boost your people’s performance.

Our Blog

Find Out More About How HR Can Help You Scale Your Business

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