Grow Your Business

Onboarding that sets up your employees for success

Our Services

Create Commitment & Loyalty Through Effective

Employee Onboarding

Our business is all about growing yours and its bottom line. Our team has worked with hundreds of companies and we know that, no matter what industry you work in, you cannot avoid the complexities of adding more people to your company. And complexity can kill growth.

Streamlining your HR processes starts with creating a strong onboarding programme.

Get your onboarding wrong and new employees will be unhappy and unproductive. Get it right, they’ll feel more confident and you can be assured you have the right people to scale your business.
Effective onboarding starts at the beginning of your hiring process and ends when your new hires are fully settled, happy and valuable members of the team. Wright People HR can help you with the whole process.

Want to talk about our Employee Onboarding Services? Get in touch.

Grow Your Business

Employee Onboarding That
Retains Your Staff

Employees who are onboarded well feel more committed, more connected to co-workers and more integrated into their company’s culture. As a result, they have more role clarity, contribute quicker and perform better. All of this adds up to better business performance. 

And because they feel more invested in their work from day one, they are more engaged and loyal. That’s great news for employee retention. It means that you avoid the cost and dips in productivity from people leaving and having to be replaced. Because scaling your business ultimately depends on the longevity, growth and impact of great employees.

Your employee experience begins with the onboarding process. Because first impressions count, onboarding has a disproportionate impact on how your people feel about you. Do you care? Is this a great place to work? Do you give them the support and tools to achieve their potential? If you don’t, you bet that there’ll be somewhere else that does.

The Key To Retention

Our Employee Onboarding Services

When done right, onboarding unlocks the key to productivity by allowing your new employees to perform to the best of their ability.

Onboarding New Recruits

Your new staff are the lifeblood of your company. Make sure they start out in the best way possible with a comprehensive induction plan to help them settle in, and add value as soon as possible.

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Training & Development

Your employees are the biggest asset to your business. Investing in your new employees build skills, confidence and trust meaning that they contribute more and faster.

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Probation Planning

Probation periods protect your business from hiring the wrong people, and ensure your employees are protected from a mismatched role. Getting these basics in place is important for everyone’s success.

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Getting your new hires to complete all the necessary documentation and paperwork is all part of the onboarding process, and it’s called orientation

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Scale Effectively

Employee Onboarding Done Right

Many businesses treat onboarding as the paperwork and routine tasks that need to be completed such as computer passwords, setting up employees on payroll and giving them their new contract of employment. After that, employees can often be left to their own devices to figure things out for themselves.
Onboarding should be viewed as much more that that – as a comprehensive process involving management and other employees that can last a substantial period of time – even before day one. It should last until the employee achieves the required level of performance over an acceptable period of time, usually dictated by a probation period.
Onboarding is a process, and like any good process, it needs to be planned and systematic in its execution.

Want to talk about your Employee Onboarding? Get in touch.


Driving Success For Your Business

Our Employee Onboarding Services

Onboarding New Recruits

Before introducing your onboarding plan, you need to define it. There is lots to consider. To help you to define your plan, we’ll begin by asking you lots of key questions. When will onboarding start? What training will they need? What goals do you want to set for new employees? And a whole load more.

Once these questions have been answered, we help you devise your onboarding programme to help new employees to get all the information they need to get fully acquainted with the people and culture within your business, as well as setting the key milestones and goals they’ll be required to achieve.

Probation Planning

A probation period should be a fundamental part of any effective onboarding process – because they provide a formal way for you to assess if a new hire is a good fit before making a long-term commitment. During this time, it’s up to the employee to prove that they will be a success in their new role – and up to you to back them by giving them every chance of being that success.

Because probation periods are so vital, we help you to get them right.

We help you to set objectives. You need to be very clear, and up-front with a new employee about their probation period – on day one. What will they need to achieve? By when? How will it be measured?

A formal review at the end of the probation period is key. We can help you with those reviews and also with the on-going monitoring against the objectives that your new employees are set. Ongoing monitoring and feedback is key to any probation process so that, if your new employee is not meeting expectations, you can bring them back on-track.

We can advise you on how and what basis to extend probation period, if needs be, or ultimately how any employee needs to be off-boarded, should they be unsuccessful in passing it.

Training & Development

Your new hire will need clear objectives to achieve during their probation period. In order to achieve those objectives, it’s very likely that they will need training. We’ll help you define what that training needs to be and set it up as part of your onboarding programme – with clear goals to assess its impact.

Being HR Consultants, we can help you with your recruitment – and this follows on in identifying the skills gaps and training required by new employees – and build that into their onboarding.

And training and development doesn’t stop after onboarding. Just because your new hire has shown you, through passing their probation, that they know how to do the job, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t continue to provide them with the latest and greatest tools. We’ll help you to define their ongoing training and development requirements, in those skills that will contribute to your company’s growth.


Getting your new hires to complete all the necessary documentation and paperwork is all part of the onboarding process, and it’s called orientation. It’s the bits that need to be done like your new employee’s payroll, passwords and leave entitlement. But orientation should be more that that. You need to think about the experience you’re going to give your new starter on their first day. How about putting time aside with the Managing Director – and the rest of the Senior Management team, a Welcome Pack, or a meet and greet lunch with their team.
Unless you have your own HR department, new employee orientation to train and enlighten new employees about their roles and company policies, often fail to happen. It is something that becomes everyone’s job so it’s no-one’s job. As your outsourced HR Consultant  we can make sure it happens – and happens effectively –  making your new hire feel valued. We can even introduce you to software to ease the admin headache of orientation through our partnership with BreatheHR.

Done well, orientation is a key part of an effective onboarding process that produces a great and meaningful relationships and reduces employee turnover.

Drive Measurable Business Growth

Need Help With Effective Onboarding?

If you’re onboarding process isn’t delivering the results you need, in terms of effective and loyal employees, then it may be time to talk to a HR consultant. We’ve worked with many business owners who are looking to create a much better employee experience but aren’t sure how or where to start.

Our HR Consultants are on hand to help you design an onboarding process, and work with your new hires, to set your new employees up for success.

Our Blog

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Employee Onboarding